7 Effective Strategies for Managing Dyspraxia in Adolescents

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7 Strategies for Managing Dyspraxia in Adolescents

Navigating the challenges of adolescence can be a tumultuous journey for any teenager, but for those with dyspraxia, the road may be even more challenging. Dyspraxia, also known as Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD), is a neurological condition that affects motor skills, coordination, and spatial awareness. As parents and therapists, understanding the unique needs of teenagers with dyspraxia is crucial for fostering their independence and well-being. In this blog post, we will explore effective strategies that parents and therapists can employ to support and manage dyspraxia in teenagers.

7 Strategies for Managing Dyspraxia in Adolescents

1. Education and Awareness

The first step in effectively managing dyspraxia in teenagers is to educate oneself and raise awareness about the condition. Parents and therapists should strive to understand the specific challenges faced by individuals with dyspraxia, including difficulties in planning and executing coordinated movements. By becoming knowledgeable about the condition, you can better advocate for your teenager and provide the necessary support.

Additionally, fostering awareness within the community, including teachers, friends, and extended family, can create a more inclusive and understanding environment for the teenager with dyspraxia. Increased awareness reduces stigma and ensures that everyone involved is equipped to offer the necessary support.

2. Individualized Treatment Plans

Every teenager with dyspraxia is unique, and as such, the approach to managing the condition should be tailored to individual strengths and challenges. Collaborate with healthcare professionals, therapists, and educators to develop an individualized treatment plan that addresses specific motor skill deficits, sensory processing issues, and other related challenges.

Therapists can use a combination of occupational therapy, physiotherapy, and speech therapy to target specific areas of difficulty. Regular assessments and adjustments to the treatment plan are essential to ensure that interventions remain relevant and effective as the teenager progresses through adolescence.

3. Building Self-Esteem and Confidence

Teenagers with dyspraxia often face challenges that can impact their self-esteem and confidence. It’s crucial for parents and therapists to actively work on building a positive self-image. Encourage and celebrate small victories, focusing on the teenager’s strengths rather than dwelling on limitations.

Incorporate activities that promote self-expression and skill development, such as art, music, or drama, to help teenagers discover and showcase their talents. By fostering a sense of accomplishment and self-worth, you contribute to the development of a resilient and confident young individual.

4. Executive Functioning Strategies

Teaching and reinforcing executive functioning skills is vital for teenagers with dyspraxia. These skills include planning, organization, time management, and problem-solving – areas where individuals with dyspraxia may struggle. Implement strategies such as visual schedules, checklists, and reminders to assist with daily tasks and responsibilities.

Break down larger tasks into smaller, more manageable steps, allowing the teenager to approach challenges one step at a time. Encourage the use of organizational tools, such as planners or digital apps, to help them stay on top of assignments, deadlines, and social commitments.

5. Social Skills Development

Navigating social situations can be particularly challenging for teenagers with dyspraxia. As parents and therapists, focus on developing their social skills by providing opportunities for social interaction in structured settings. Role-playing scenarios, teaching appropriate body language, and offering guidance on interpreting social cues can be beneficial.

Encourage participation in group activities, clubs, or sports to foster social connections and a sense of belonging. Additionally, open communication channels with teachers and peers to create a supportive environment where everyone is aware of the teenager’s unique needs.

6. Assistive Technology

Incorporating assistive technology into the teenager’s daily life can be a game-changer. There are numerous apps and devices designed to support individuals with dyspraxia in various aspects of their lives. Speech-to-text software, organizational apps, and tools that assist with note-taking can enhance academic performance and overall independence.

Work collaboratively with educators to identify and implement assistive technology solutions in the classroom. This proactive approach ensures that the teenager has the necessary tools to succeed academically while minimizing frustration and stress associated with dyspraxia-related challenges.

7. Physical Activity and Sports

Engaging in physical activities and sports can significantly contribute to the overall well-being of teenagers with dyspraxia. Participation in sports not only promotes physical fitness but also provides opportunities to improve coordination, balance, and teamwork skills.

Choose activities that align with the teenager’s interests and abilities, and consider adaptive sports or modified programs if necessary. Collaborate with coaches and instructors to create an inclusive and supportive environment that encourages skill development and social interaction.


In conclusion, managing dyspraxia in teenagers requires a multifaceted approach that addresses their unique challenges while fostering independence and self-confidence.

By combining education, individualized treatment plans, and supportive strategies, parents and therapists can empower teenagers with dyspraxia to navigate the complexities of adolescence successfully.

Building a strong support network, both within the family and the community, ensures that these teenagers can thrive and reach their full potential, embracing their individuality and contributing positively to society.

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Transform Life is a NDIS registered organisation that provides support for your autistic child, as well as support to you as a parent to best navigate the challenges your child and family face on a daily basis.

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Transform Life is an Australian owned provider specialising in evidence based therapeutic support including Positive Behaviour Support, Occupational Therapy, Psychology, Speech Therapy and Behavioural Interventions helping transform lives and families across Australia.

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