At Transform Life our clinical team are empowered to use only the best and most up to date, research supported strategies to improve the lives of the clients with whom they work. Here we have collated some of the publicly available peer reviewed, academic studies supporting our methodology. As the evidence in the research evolves and changes our clinical praxis will evolve and we are always keeping up to date with the latest findings.
All our clinicians are registered with their appropriate professional industry body and receive ongoing professional development to keep their skills as current as possible.
The Brief Behavioural Assessment
Tool – preliminary findings on
reliability and validity
Clinical outcomes of staff training in positive behaviour support to reduce challenging behaviour in adults with intellectual disability: cluster randomised controlled trial
Questions About Behavioral Function (QABF): Adaptation and validation of the Spanish version
Definition and scope for positive behaviour support
An evaluation of positive behavioural support for people with severe challenging behaviours in community-based settings
A conceptual framework for understanding why challenging behaviours occur in people with developmental disabilities
Validation of the Contextual Assessment Inventory for Problem Behavior