Psychology Counselling

Are you ready to take charge of your well-being and unleash your true potential?

Unlock the Power of Psychology: Empowering Adults and Children to Thrive!

At Transform Life our accomplished team of psychologists bring forth a wealth of experience in supporting clients to overcome their challenges and achieve their goals. Our AHPRA registered psychologists have expertise in assessment, diagnosis and intervention strategies for individuals with diverse needs. Our psychologists are supported by a multidisciplinary team of allied health professionals and engage in ongoing professional development to ensure that they are up to date with the latest research and practices.

Utislising evidence-based practice, we prioritise collaborative and client-centered approaches, recognising the uniqueness of each individual. We firmly believe that every person deserves an individualised treatment plan tailored to address their specific needs and concerns.

How are these Services Funded?

Psychology services can be funded by the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), by Employment and Disability Services Providers, and privately.

Our psychology services include: 

  • Therapy for children
  • Therapy for adolescents 
  • Therapy for adults 
  • ADHD Assessments
  • Autism Assessments
  • Mental Health Assessments
  • IQ/Cognitive Assessments

The therapy experience

Therapy, also known as counselling, is a process in which a trained professional helps individuals, couples, or groups to explore, understand, and resolve their mental health issues, personal concerns, and emotional or behavioral problems. The goal of therapy is to improve an individual’s mental health, relationships, and overall well-being.

Our experienced psychologists are dedicated to helping you achieve your goals and overcome life’s challenges. During your initial consultation, our psychologists will explore what has brought you to this point and what you hope to achieve through therapy.  Together you will develop a plan for therapy based on your individual needs.

We Can Help You with:

  • Managing anger and aggression
  • Coping with anxiety, depression, and trauma
  • Supporting LGBTQI+ individuals and addressing related issues
  • Processing grief and loss
  • Addressing body image and eating disorders
  • Overcoming addiction and substance abuse
  • Managing loneliness and isolation
  • Recovering from PTSD and trauma
  • Managing chronic pain and injury
  • Managing emotional and interpersonal difficulties related to personality disorders
  • Developing effective stress management strategies
  • Building self-esteem and confidence
  • Improving social skills and relationships
  • Managing suicidal thoughts and behaviours

Don’t hesitate to take the first step towards a healthier, happier you. Contact us today to schedule your initial consultation.

We support NDIS

How are these Services Funded?

Psychology services can be funded by the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), by Employment and Disability Services Providers, and privately.

How are these Assessments Funded?